Construction Engineering Program

Features of Construction Engineering Program

The Program is characterized by the following features:
1- Construction Engineering Program qualifies for gaining the Bachelor’s degree in Engineering (major of construction engineering), Civil Engineering Division at Egyptian Engineers’ Syndicate.
2- It applies the system of accredited hours that is an international approach adopted for implementation of different academic courses where studying is based on curricula and accredited hours not on years. Thus, it represents a revolution that changed the traditional higher education system in Egypt through changing to accredited hours semesters following the example of great western universities.
3- A student registers the curricula he would like to study after consultation with the academic guide. Some curricula are selective and others are compulsory and required by the Faculty, the University and the major taking into consideration the recent development in the field.
4- The number of accredited hours a student can study per week varies from one student to another according to student’s ability and his academic case. However, the number of accredited hours in one main semester must not be more than 21 hours for outstanding student and not less than 12 hours.
5- The Program offers many curricula during the selective summer semester that are determined after consultation with students.
6- In case a student fails a curriculum, he can study it again if it is compulsory or study an alternative one if it is selective. If a student gets estimation less than good in some curricula, he can study them again to get better marks after consultation with the academic guide.
7- A student can cancel registration in one curriculum or more after a period of studying after consultation with the academic guide taking into consideration the minimum accredited hours.
8- A student is assessed continuously in various ways during the semester in addition to the semester exam and semester work that is given about 60% of the total mark.
9- The Program presents a distinguished environment for education and applied the criterion of small numbers where students are no more than 75-80 students in the auditorium. As for groups of practice and practical work, students are no more than 25-30 students to assure perfect interaction between lecturer and students.
10- To allow more advanced practical training that copes with labor market requirements at all organizations.
11- To quickly announce each student’s results of exams electronically as well as results of semester work.
12- It is a distinguished program that offers students encouragement scholarships.
13- In addition, it gives a graduate distinguished characteristics as he will be aware of everything that makes him an engineer who is professionally capable of applying technical and administrative skills to planning, designing, building, operating or maintaining the built environment and global infrastructure, and to improve his skills of system analysis and design, identifying project methods and materials, analyzing project costs and management of technical activities to support civil engineering projects.
14- To graduate an engineer who grasps professionalism, ethics, performance quality, public policy, safety and sustainability.
15- To graduate an engineer who has professional and life skills which allow him to work as member in a team or as team leader so as to be able to participate effectively in community and in the profession.
16- To graduate an engineer who has skills qualifying him for continuous and self-learning to be able to overcome any nonstandard professional problems that he did not study in the program.