Public Works Engineering


It is to raise the educational level of the students of the department to prepare technical cadres to meet the needs of the labor market. In addition, it aims to raise scientific research to become the most distinguished section in providing educational and research services, community service and environmental development.


The department seeks to achieve the following objectives:
1. Achieving educational objectives and outputs that meet national and international academic standards to provide the labor market with highly qualified graduates.
2. Maximizing the utilization of the potentials of the department, Faculty and University.
3. Conducting scientific research and providing postgraduate studies in various disciplines of the department.
4. Community service and environmental development in cooperation with the different units of the Faculty and University.

Public Works Engineering

1. Increasing the Number of Cadres in different specializations
• Incresting the nmber of the number of qualified teaching staff to 15 in 6 years
• Incresting the nmber of the number of qualified assistant staff to 30 in 4 years
• Increasing the number of technicans and research assistants to 8 in 4 years
2. Completion of the specializations and research orientations
• Applying priorities for the required research specializations
• Applying plans for the master's theses and PhD dissertations of the assistant staff according to the required periorities
• Upgrading the efficiency of the assistant staff to complete the masters and PhDs fast
3. Specifying aplaces for the Research Labs
• Studying the available places at the Faculty
• Enrolling the issue of specifying places for the research labs in the urgent Faculty plan
4. Preparing and Equipping the Labs
• Preparing the technical specifications and the estimates of the labs
• Encouraging the competitive projecys to equip the labs